RelaX-db is a set of tools & libraries for the RelaX data model to enable Rapid Application Development and Rapid Prototyping
Define the tables and complex objects and generate the sql-ddl statements for various database systems with the "rxmodel"-tool.
define the form based on the model and generate the html-code for further refinement with the "rxgenerate"-tool
operate the final html-form with a comprehensive set of functions bundled in the "rxclient"-library
support the database functions and the file services for the AJAX-calls with the "rxserver"-components
See more on wikipedia
state of the art design and slim implementation come to a powerful system
RelaX-db generates a single page application with slim AJAX-calls. Users experience fast responses with a minimum of server interaction
The app-designer specifies the structure of the database, the complex objects for the functions and the structure of the form. After these steps the app is running and can be tested
The system features numerous comfort features like master-detail-interaction, lookups, calculated fields, schema trekking and arbitrary query parameters
RelaX-db supports major browsers like Chrome, Firefox and IE. It interacts with ORACLE, SQL-Server and MySQL on the database side. You only need a Node-JS-installation for the server components
The RelaX data model combines multiple tables of a relational model into a complex object. The following picture lists 4 complex objects:
ordr, article, cust and agr
Edit Tables are tables, that can be updated. They form a tree in a master-detail-form like order-items
Edit Tables are tables, that can be updated. They form a tree in a master-detail-form like order-items
Each of the Edit Tables can have Lookup Tables in the form of a tree. Aliases allow lookups from different source tables
The structure of Complex Objects and corresponding User Interface Patterns enable Rapid Application Development with a minimum of declaration effort
Master detail operation is served for search results and edit pages. Object binding via keys is automatically done by the system.
Expand Collapse functions enable user friendly administration of deeply structured master-detail objects.
A navigation bar is automatically generated from the list of complex objects. Each complex object defines a navbar function.
Search and join logic of for the select statements is automatically generated from the structure of the relevant complex object.
Lookups enable comfort search options and key binding for alternative key fields. Lookups can be triggered by simple html-attributes.
Binding of an object to a lookup table can be achieved through lookups attributes. Attributes, which depends on the master are resolved automatically on change.
Calculated attributes can be used like singular database attributes. caculated attributes can be composed from different tables.
The system can execute user defined procedures for special attributes on client. Order and cardinality of operation is handled by the system.
Validation can be performed on data model definitions, with formulas or procedures
Forms can be structured in pages and blocks. Model defined conditions control their visibility
Forms data for complex forms can be stored for later completion
Navigation between the objects/functions can be achieved through simple calls, e.g. from an order to the associated customer.
Files can be treated as normal attributes and can be uploaded, downloaded and displayed in the web page.
The system sets master objects with active details to inactive on delete. After setting a customer to inactive, no more orders can be bound to this customer.
Changes on specific tables can be logged to a log table; this includes changes on file attributes.
User authentication is supported and secured against XSS- and CSRF-attacs. External authentication systems can be integrated.
Admins can assign roles for various RelaX-apps to the users. External authorization systems can be integrated.
Role permissions can be defined for each complex object. Users cannot see or exucute functions they are not assigned to.
Forms can be executed without app and db server. Lookups can be executed on js arrays
The following Forms are executed without application and database server. Lookups are executed via javascript objects. Store on server results in an error.
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+43 660 610 1789
Dipl. Ing. Franz Grandits
Schulgasse 24
A 7411 Markt Allhau